Meta Creator Bonus, DinoDance, Twitter Live Video Spaces, and Die Stream Awards

I wrote a long intro this morning, but considering last week's was also long, let's opt for something shorter. Instead, I'll take the opportunity to promote the fact that I'm looking to hire a video editor for some freelance work - both short and long-form. Minimal but professional + entertaining edits (with a couple of examples in the attached form!) If you, or someone you know might be interested, please fill out this Google Form!

And now, let's get into the news!

Twitch News

  • Rivals have a new schedule, which allows you to "Express Interest" and see upcoming events.
  • Twitch's Korean business ended last week, meaning creators from the region can no longer stream. Some have moved or taken their business outside Korea through other means. Meanwhile, Korean creators say Twitch did almost nothing to help with the transition to other platforms.
  • Twitch is now unblocked in Turkey after having been blocked last week for gambling content.
  • There is now a Continued Sub Alert with first-party alerts.
  • DinoDance was updated to a worse version of itself for ~48 hours as a promotion for Pokemon Day. It has since been reverted.
  • A new Legendary Women shelf has launched and will be available on the front page all year long.
  • Twitch's Head of Insight & Measurement, Alison McDuffee, left the company to work at Roblox.

Streaming Industry News

  • YouTube's CapCut competitor, Create, is now available on Android devices in 13 new markets, including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Finland, Hong Kong, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, and Turkey.
  • Discord is experimenting with allowing Developers to create Voice Channel Activities.
  • Instagram is testing live stream games, such as This or That and Trivia, to help with engagement for live creators.
  • Meta has uncapped its Creator Bonus Program (previously limited to $30K monthly) and has expanded invites to select creators in Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, the Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia. The invite-only program was previously limited to the US, Canada, Australia, England, India and Mexico.
  • Twitter has added Live Video to the Spaces feature.
  • Kick has updated its Community Guidelines.
  • Gaming companies, including Twitch, will discuss their ad offerings at the Interactive Advertising Bureau PlayFronts.
  • Brandfluence, aka Softgiving, appears to be delaying payment they owe to creators.
  • Copium Merch appears to owe thousands to creators, including Yuzu and Bao.
  • The Gayming Awards has delayed the show until June.
  • interviewed Vanessa Brasfield as part of the Black Voices Progress Report.
  • NPR writes about how a growing number of gamers are LGBTQ+, but representation is still lacking.
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