In light of last week's discussion on the Ads Incentive Program, I wanted to answer the question, "Are the offers getting worse?" And with data dating back to February 2022, I could somewhat do that. It's a mixed bag of results, but not much has changed on a dollar-to-dollar amount year-over-year. But it's the demand for ads from Twitch that has. I explain more about it in this video:
With that, let's get into the other news from the week!
Twitch News
- Previously, I shared the expansion of Chat History to 60% of users; last week, it was reset back to 5% for unknown reasons.
- Twitch added an Endpoint for Shoutouts and EventSub for Create/Receive Shoutouts.
- Twitch 2022 Recap is no longer available.
- MGM Properties have allegedly banned Twitch streaming. I've reached out to MGM PR for confirmation or comment.
- An in-depth scientific analysis of the Twitch leak reveals high levels of inequality. "[Twitch's] non-algorithmic design still leaves room for classical choice biases allowing a few streamers to emerge, retain and renew a massive audience."
- Former Twitch Senior Creative Strategist wrote about how Brands do NOT need a Twitch channel.
- Twitch's Director of Properties, Christian Bishop (last in the news when outed by Ludwig for stealing content), shared this sales image for Twitchcon publicly. It's nice to know the official numbers.

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