Twitch Recap, Amazon Inspire, and Brime is Dead

Twitch Recaps are likely coming this week, Amazon launched a Tiktok-like shopping app, and Brime is dead.

Keeping the intro short today - and only going to promote my Tiltify campaign to raise money for Sick Kids Foundation! Now, let's get into the news.

Twitch News

  • Over 15,000 Twitch users have upvoted a request to Remove Hate Groups from Twitch's charity function. Twitch denied a previous request (at 1,100 votes).
  • Twitch Annual Recap (likely coming this week) will come with a direct link instead of only being accessible via email.
  • A first look at Twitch's upcoming tag impressions data.
  • Twitch hasn't launched this test yet, but they'll be testing a static placement for goals beside the creators' about section.
  • An upcoming test of viewer engagement metrics will show when you received follows subs and clips. It will also allow you to shift the time increments of the data.
  • In 2023, Twitch will experiment with insight data like Best Day/Time to Stream, Audience Retention, Directional Guidance, and Referral Analytics.
  • Content reactions are now being tested live.
  • Twitch Australia and New Zealand are hosting a Grass Roots campaign to help find quality Non-Partner channels locally. Frontpage, guaranteed transcoding, and social support if selected.
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