☑️ | Discord Ads, DDG's Hitathon, Stream Sniping and TikTok Paid Events

Hello, and welcome to this week's newsletter! There are quite a few important updates for creators, including Twitch's shared discount promo (and opt-out feature), YouTube experiments, TikTok Live paywalls, and more! Also, there are some excellent game keys and curated jobs (including a number of Community Management roles)—a little something for everyone. So, let's dive right in!

Platform Updates

  • YouTube is testing allowing users to Hide End Screens.
  • YouTube shared its best practices for creators to grow communities on the platform.
  • Research from eMarketer suggests YouTube will be the best bet for creators financially in 2025, with more brands spending more money there than any other platform.
  • YouTube's BrandConnect is getting updates to make brand-creator partnerships even easier for the brands to initiate and manage.

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