YouTube Algorithm Explained, ishowspeed WWE, Twitch Sub Points + Discord Evolving Badges

Well, hello, and welcome to February! For many of you (tons of new signups last week!), this will be your first newsletter from me. I think you'll find a lot of value here, but if you have feedback, please send it my way! You can reply directly to this email - it's that simple.

Usually, I'd have an intro (or a later section with some industry insight), but I blew up my capacity for processing information this weekend due to trade wars starting (as a Canadian, it's concerning.) So, instead, let's jump into the recap!

Platform Updates

  • In 2024, Twitch's total self-paid subscriptions collectively dropped for Partners and Affiliates (as measured by Plus Points).
  • Are you curious how many people quit Twitch streaming after 1 month? Nearly 56%! More data is available here.
  • You can now share clips from Twitch to Instagram.
  • You may soon be able to pay for Twitch subs with your earned revenue. Watch my video on why they would do this.
  • Amazon has launched Brand+ for Twitch, a way for marketers to identify customers who may be in the market for a product or service in the next three months.
  • Analysis suggests Twitch is only about 0.1% of all living room TV consumption. This is up from 0% for most of the year's first half.
  • Twitch claims they have fixed the issue that lowered ad revenue estimates.
  • Twitch Australia is hosting a dinner for partners in February.
  • Twitch's main channel added a Follower Emote to honor the late Lincoln Furrow.
  • Nitro subscription badges now evolve the longer you've been a subscriber.
  • Discord is experimenting with Voice Filters, with some only available to Nitro subscribers.

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