Game Developer Badge, Bluesky Grows by 1M, Pat McAfee New Record, and Asmongold's Ban

Good Monday to you! It was an interesting week for the streaming space. While most of the updates were small, a couple are consequential and likely will dictate broader conversations about platforms and creators in the weeks and months ahead. Introspection is essential at all levels and can often lead to improvements. Unfortunately, considering the time we live in, I'm not 100% sure that the outcomes will be productive.

But hey, the future is unwritten, and for most creators, these conversations won't even register as having occurred. Of course, I'll offer the broad strokes coverage in these recaps, allowing you to at least remain aware. But any more than that, I'd feel like I'd be wading too deep into a type of coverage I wouldn't feel good about. And with that said, let's jump right into the news!

Twitch News

Streaming Industry News

Black Friday is six weeks away! (Whoa!) This is a great time to get your Fourthwall merch store holiday-ready. Order some samples, create content, set up promo codes, and take advantage of Fourthwall's Thank You videos for your supporters. Sign up now and get $15 in sample credit for free!*

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