Twitch Kills BibleThump, TikTok Subscriptions for All, Political Streamers + Discord Bookmarks

Hello, and welcome to the last Monday of the Month! As we go into October, it's important to remember that this is "prime time" to be a creator - especially a live streamer. You have multiple month-long themed holidays to center content around at the same time as brand spending on advertising maxes out, while people spend a lot more on gifts, entertainment, and charity.

Many intelligent, business-savvy creators theme their content and update alerts/overlays to match the holiday. Others take it further and introduce new content or support tools for their community. Things like subathons and launching new merchandise are increasingly common among creators in the last quarter of the year. They also run charity streams to give back and support causes they care about. Ultimately, how you approach it is up to you, but I think you should start thinking about it now! And with that, let's get into the news!

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