📢 || Hype Train Sidebar, Short Thumbnails, ZEVENT 10M €, and the Creator Awards

Hello, and happy Monday! It's a busy week, so let's skip the intro and jump right into essential things! (Also, welcome in if this is your first time receiving the newsletter!)

Twitchcon San Diego 2024: I continue to update and add to my Events/Party List! Also, on Twitter, I tagged all the brands with a show floor presence on my unofficial floor map! It may be helpful if you're planning to network with brands!

Lastly, I'm planning my next piece of Premium content. I have a few ideas that would be useful for creators, but I wanted to get your insight into what you think would be most helpful! If you have a moment, can you answer this one-question survey?

(If that is broken, click here!) And now, let's get into the recap!

Twitch News

  • Twitch is testing a Hype Train indicator in the sidebar that shows the current level and whether it is a regular or Golden Kappa train.
  • Plus Points goals are now updated in near real-time.
  • Shared Chat appears poised for a Twitchcon launch as additional testing continues.
  • Twitch's Enhanced Broadcasting beta testers are gaining access to a new test using HEVC, but it has a 4750 bitrate limit.
  • Twitch updated the Ads Scheduler to streamline setup and options for creators. Before/After.
  • The team behind Twitch's marketing redesign in 2022 shared some of the process and assets they created as a case study.
  • Twitch hired one of the core contributors to OBS to work on Enhanced Broadcasting.
  • Digiday research found that brand usage on Twitch increased to 12%. Most of those brands are also already advertising on Twitch. This likely means Twitch still struggles to educate brands on the platform's value.
  • Australia's eSafety is requesting social media platforms to reveal how many Australian kids are signing up for their services. Twitch is among the platforms that will have 30 days to respond.
  • Meanwhile, Ofcom says Twitch's implementation of content classification labels has been more effective in correctly labeling mature content.

Twitch's Guest Star aka Stream Together, has been an expensive Bridge to Nowhere. I made a video explaining its history, how it got here, and why it has failed. (Hint: Streamers collaborate ALL the time with various users: Their chat! Adding other voices detracts from the active chat collaboration that makes Twitch so unique.)

Streaming Industry News

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