Lily Pichu Joins YouTube, 70% of Discovery, and Crown Clash

Lily Pichu Joins YouTube, Discovery Happens Off Twitch and Crown Hosts a Creator Clash!

As Twitch took a company-wide holiday last week, it was a predictably slow week for news. With Twitchcon Amsterdam this upcoming weekend, that may change, especially considering I'm hoping to see some quality of life improvements and better financial terms for creators announced. Speaking of financial terms, a recession is a real possibility soon. Are you prepared if one happens? If not, I posted a video explaining why recessions happen and how creators can prepare if we enter one. I think you'll find value in it. And with that, let's get into this week's stories!

Twitch News

Amazon-owned Crown hosted their much-promoted Ultimate Crown between MrBeast and Ninja. The star-studded streamer event captured a 4-hour stream average of 66,000 viewers, with a peak just above 96,000, according to Sullygnome.

Twitchcon announced their exhibitor and sponsor list. Stockx being their primary sponsor is unexpected, but otherwise, most other brands are endemic to the space. I'm interested in seeing how many carry over to Twitchcon San Diego.

If I were to ask you, 'How much streamer discovery comes from outside of Twitch?' what would you guess? Well, I shared a video of Twitch's CEO Emmett Shear saying that 70% of Twitch streamer discovery comes from YouTube and, increasingly, TikTok. To hear definitively from the CEO should encourage creators to make VOD content. In that vein, a report says 1 in 3 music listeners find music through Twitch. Good news for artists!

That's all the big Twitch stories from the week, but there's plenty more below that you'll get access to by joining free!

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