πŸ“’ || Stories on Web, Barrons Investigation, Patreon's Apple Tax, and LCS Subscriptions

Good Monday to you! I've been SO busy the last few days that I will make this intro very short and sweet! So, let's get into the news!

Twitch News

  • Video Stories are now available for all affiliates and partners; they also launched watching them on the web.
  • Creators detected as streaming DJ content without joining the DJ program have started to be warned that enforcement begins on September 1st.
  • DJs in the DJ Program will be subject to this enforcement system starting in September.
  • Creators outside the DJ Program appear to be subject to this new enforcement system, presumably starting in September. This system seems more flexible than the DMCA, so this might be good overall. There are some interesting restrictions and many questions without an answer. Like any new major policy, we're going to figure this one out as we go...
  • Twitch hosted its first-ever Spanish Q&A show called Vamos.
  • Twitch ANZ creators chatted with CEO Clancy. It didn't assuage ANZ creator concerns, summarized here.
  • Drop Ins, the next iteration of Guest Star, appears to notify streamer who follows you when you go live.
  • The new mobile app will soon introduce sorting "High to Low" of your followers.
  • According to TinyAndTrash, the Guilds will soon be opened internationally to all English-speaking regions.
  • An upcoming experiment will hold potentially harmful messages, asking the posted to confirm they want to send it first.
  • Twitch posted a new Accessibility Statement.
  • Twitch Meetups in North America may have promotional codes for 30% off Twitchcon tickets.

Streaming Industry News

  • Barrons investigated gambling advertising and found that Google allowed ads, while Twitch has done little to remove Counter-Strike skins gambling sponsorships among 120 of the top 300 channels.
  • StreamElements has added Tip Moderation functionality.
  • YouTube Super Chats now have Likes and Replies.
  • Apple's 30% app tax requirements will soon impact Patreon members. Creators will either need to cover the new fee from the current price or increase the cost to earn the same amount. This should only impact new Patreon subscriptions purchased on iOS devices.
  • The FTC has announced new rules banning fake reviews and testimonials. This update also includes "Misuse of Fake Social Media Indicators," which mentions view botting for commercial purposes. An example might be paying for view bots to sell a sponsorship for your stream. How they enforce it will be interesting.
  • Consumers spent $3.8 billion on mobile entertainment in Q1 2024. The full report is available here.
  • TikTok has partnered with Amazon to offer shopping within the app.
  • YouTube is deactivating monetization in Russia.
  • President Biden spoke at the White House Creator Economy Conference.
  • The Democrat National Convention will stream on vertical platforms, including TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube.

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